Posts Tagged With: Donation

Who knew?

Just a quick note for any who might be interested. We are taking this whole raise money for charity thing seriously, and hope others will too. When we are lying in a pool of our own sweat and vomit, agonizingly crying “Why am I doing this?”, we will just need to be reminded that there will be thousands of puppy eyed … well puppies, and possibly a few puppy eyed children, and who knows how many other souls who could use a boost, quietly watching us and thinking shameful thoughts at our failure to produce the funds we promised them. And we will groaningly get back on our feet and continue on. Have YOU ever tried to stare a puppy down?

Granted the numbers are not exactly high yet, but I have created a couple of new pages to not only track our own progress for everyone, but to offer those who have made pledges suitable accolades and to keep track of what good we might inspire and for what charities it is being done. The pledge list can be found HERE, and the charity list HERE. Both pages are a bit short right now, but considering we have really only been at it for less than two weeks, a possible offering of approximately $500 for two charities does not seem all that bad. Imagine if we had just this much offered each month for the next three years, that alone would be approximately $18000 spread between a few charities. That is with just two people a month making similar pledges to what we have.

surpriseI just surprised myself with that number, but I even took my shoes off to verify it. With enough people even making small pledges, we could seriously make a notable difference in many lives with this project.I was mainly just pointing out the pages, but now I am actually even more intent on making this happen. Maybe others will find the same inspiration that I just accidentally found!

Categories: Appalachian Trail, Blog, Exercise, Hiking, Humor, Life, Uncategorized, Weight Loss | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

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